Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

English for MMAP Students: BAB 4



1. Kompetensi
            Setelah mempelajari dan mengerjakan latihan-latihan dalam BAB IV ini diharapkan mahasiswa telah memiliki kompetensi sebagai berikut:

a) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menentukan bagian-bagian kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris;
b) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menentukan hubungan antara kata benda dengan kata ganti kata benda (pronoun);
c) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menentukan anak kalimat dan frase dengan bantuan kata-kata penanda; dan
d) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menentukan ciri-ciri kalimat aktif dan pasif.

2. Pengantar
            Pengetahuan tentang pola kalimat dan bagian-bagiannya penting bagi mahasiswa dalam membaca teks berbahasa Inggris karena pola kalimat yang berbeda akan mempunyai makna yang berbeda pula. Begitu juga dengan bagian-bagian kalimat, di mana setiap bagian mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda pula sehingga walaupun mereka tidak mengenal arti seluruh kata yang membentuk kalimat masih dapat menebak maksud kalimat tersebut dengan mengenal bagian-bagian kalimat beserta fungsinya.

3. Mengenal Subjek, Kata Kerja dan Objek Kalimat
            Sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dapat memiliki satu atau lebih subjek, satu atau lebih kata kerja, dan satu atau lebih objek atau pelengkap atau dua buah kalimat dengan satu subjek, kata kerja dan objek berada dalam sebuah kalimat majemuk. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini.

1. Industrial pollution (S) causes (V) many problems (O).
2. The secretary (S) lives (V) in Virginia and works (V) in Washington.
3. Scientists (S) and technicians (S) work (V) in the laboratory.
4. His sister (S) gave (V)  him (O) a watch (O) for his birthday, and his brother (S) gave (V)  him (O) a book (O).

Kalimat 1 pada contoh di atas mempunyai satu subjek, satu kata kerja dan satu objek (S V O ), sedangkan kalimat 2 mempunyai satu subjek dan dua kata kerja (S V V). Kalimat 3 mempunyai  dua subjek dan satu kata kerja (S S V) sementara kalimat 4 mempunyai dua pasang subjek, kata kerja dan objek (S V O + S V O).

Directions: Look at these sentences. Find the verb, the subject, and the object or   complement in each sentence. Write "S" above the subject, "V" above the verb, and "O" above the object or complement. The first one is done for you.

                  S                V                     O  
  1. The library is collecting more materials.

  1. Most sentences have three parts.

  1. Scientists perform experiments.

  1. Large computers can solve complex problems.

  1. Our engineers will test the new calculators.

  1. The students in this class are learning English.

  1. The students are learning English in this class.

Directions: Write "more" or "different" in the space. The first one is done for you.

1.      His mother remembered his birthday; however, his father forgot it. Different/opposite information.

2.      The farmers grow food, and the people in the cities eat it.                     Information.

3.      New York City is a large city, but Woodstock, New York is a small town.                         Information.

4.      You can buy medicine at a drug store; you can also buy magazines, Books, film, toys, and many other goods there. Additional information.

5.      I am from Uruguay; my husband, however, is from the United States. __________________Information

Directions: Write the subjects and verbs In the spaces. The first one is done for you.

  1. Commuters live in the suburbs and work in the cities.
Subjects:          Commuters      Verbs:             Live

  1. Scientists make observations and perform experiments.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          

  1. This writer uses many new words.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                                                        
_______________           ____________

  1. The receptionist answers the telephone, and the secretary types the let­ters.
Subjects :                                 Verbs               ____
                 _______________          ___________
  1. The observer collects information and sends reports to the Capitol.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          

  1. Blind people can recognize voices and identify sounds.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          
_______________           ____________

  1. Many people know about solar energy, but few people use it.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          

  1. The teacher and the students are speaking English.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          

  1. Astronomers and physicists are scientists.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          

  1. Energy comes from many sources.
Subjects :                                 Verbs                          

4. Mengenal Hubungan Kata Benda dan Kata Ganti Kata Benda
            Kata ganti kata benda (pronoun) digunakan untuk mengurangi pengulangan kata yang sama berkali-kali demi efisiensi dan variasi berbahasa. Tapi penggunaan kata ganti ini sering menimbulkan kesulitan bagi pembaca karena mereka harus mencari ke mana kata ganti tersebut mengacu. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

            Dalam contoh di atas ‘personal pronoun’ adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan benda konkrit (nyata) yang hidup (manusia atau hewan) atau benda mati baik yang tunggal maupun yang jamak sementara ‘pronoun’ yang lain (other pronoun) dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda abstrak (abstract noun).

Directions: Here are some sentences with pronouns. Read the sentences and circle the letter of he correct answer to each question about the pro­nouns.

When social scientists study families, they find that they have different shapes and sizes.

1.      The first they refers to                                                           
a.       Social scientists
b.      Families
c.       Shapes
d.      Sizes

2.      The second they refers to                                           
a.       Social scientists
b.      Families
c.       Shapes
d.      Sizes

When most people think of libraries, they think of books.
3.      In this sentence, they refers to                       
a.       Most people
b.      Libraries
c.       Books

There are as many different library services as there are types of people who use them.

4.      Them refers to                                                
a.       There
b.      Library services
c.       People

No matter whether it is young or old, large or small, traditional or modern, every family has a sense of what a family is.

5.      It refers to                                                      
a.       Young or old
b.      Large or small
c.       Sense
d.      Family

Music lovers can listen to recordings of their favorite musicians in the Music Library.

6.      Their favorite musicians means the favorite musicians of _________________________
a.       Music lovers
b.      Recordings
c.       The music library

Because they are all related, the members of an extended family are called relatives.

7.      They refers to                                                
a.       Extended families
b.      The members of an extended family
c.       People

Some families have long histories, while others know very little about their ancestors.

8.      Others refers to                                              
a.       Families
b.      Histories
c.       Ancestors

9.      Their refers to                                                 
a.       Some families
b.      Long histories
c.       Other families

Successful language learners find people who speak the language and they ask to correct them when they make mistakes. 

10.  The first they refers to                                               
a.       Successful language learners
b.      People who speak the language
c.       Mistakes

11.  The second they refers to                                           
a.       Successful language learners
b.      People who speak the language
c.       Mistakes

12.  Them refers to                                                            
a.       Successful language learners
b.      People who speak the language
c.       Mistakes

5. Mengenal Anak Kalimat dan Frase Melalui Kata Penanda
            Pengenalan terhadap bentuk hubungan antara satu frase (phrase) dengan frase lain atau antara satu anak kalimat (clause) dengan anak kalimat lain menentukan pemahaman pembaca terhadap isi teks secara keseluruhan. Untuk menentukan bentuk hubungan tersebut penulis menggunakan kata penghubung atau kata sambung (conjunction). Berikut ini disajikan kata-kata hubung yang sering dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris.

            Dalam contoh-contoh di atas terdapat berbagai kata hubung dengan kegunaan yang berbeda-beda. Dengan mengenal kata hubung atau kata sambung ini pembaca dapat memahami bentuk hubungan antar kalimat atau frase yang dihubungkan oleh kata hubung tersebut sehingga membantu memahami isi bacaan. Kata hubung kalimat atau frase yang lain disajikan di bawah ini.

            Sebagaimana terdapat dalam contoh di atas, ada tiga kelompok kata hubung kalimat atau frase (sentence or pharse connectors), yaitu: a) yang menandakan bahwa kalimat kedua memberikan informasi tambahan terhadap kalimat pertama; b) yang menandakan kalimat ke dua memberikan informasi yang berbeda dari kalimat pertama; dan c) yang menandakan informasi tentang kalimat ke dua sebagai akibat atau hasil dari informasi dalam kalimat pertama.

Directions: Here are some sentences joined with signal words. Read each sentence and look for the signal word.

  1. I enjoy reading the newspapers from my country, although they are al­ways two or three weeks late.

  1. There are millions of books in our library; consequently, we use a special system to keep the books in order.

  1. Some families have long histories, while others know very little about their ancestors.

  1. They are all related to each other, so the members of an extended family are called relatives.

  1. The nuclear family is becoming smaller as parents want fewer children; furthermore, many nuclear: families are "splitting up" as more and more parents get divorced.

  1. Some people can learn languages more quickly than others, yet they do not seem to be more intelligent than others.

  1. Some people who are successful in their fields cannot learn languages eas­ily. Conversely, some successful language learners cannot do well in other fields.

  1. Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful lan­guage learners always look for chances to use the language.

  1. Successful language learners want to learn with the new language; thus, they find it easy to practice using the language regularly.

6. Mengenal Ciri-Ciri Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif
           Kalimat pasif sering dipakai dalam teks ilmiah dalam bahasa Inggris sementara ciri-ciri kalimat pasif berbeda dengan kalimat aktif sehingga pembaca perlu mempelajarinya sehingga dapat memahami maksudnya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

Active Sentences

Pasive Sentences

1. University students write campus newspapers.
2.  A policeman arrested St. Valencia and put him into prison

1. Campus newspapers are written by university students.

2. St. Valencia was arrested and put into prison.

            Dalam contoh di atas terdapat perbedaan antara kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif di mana dalam kalimat pasif pelaku (doer) perbuatan sering dirasa tidak penting sehingga tidak dinyatakan sementara dalam kalimat aktif pelaku kegiatan penting sehingga selalu dinyatakan. Dalam kalimat aktif pelaku (doer) perbuatan menjadi subjek kalimat tetapi dalam kalimat pasif yang menerima perbuatan (receiver) menjadi subjek kalimat.


Directions: Find the main verb in each of the following complex sentences and underline it.

1.          To keep up with what is happening in the world, people who are well in­formed read newspapers and news magazines.

2.          Most American newspapers also publish a Sunday edition which contains/containing articles about the news of the day and of the week, plus a number of en­tertainment and advertisement supplements.

3.          Other types of newspapers include campus newspapers, which are written by university students, and weekly newspapers, which are intended for specific audiences.

4.          People who own home computers can receive their news directly from the wire services, which supply/supplying newspapers, magazines, radio, and television with news reports, through special telephone links.

5.          On February 14, Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day, which is a spe­cial day for people who are/being in love.

6.          According to one legend, St. Valentine's Day gets its name from a Chris­tian priest (who were) named Valentine who lived/living in Rome during the third century after Christ.

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