Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

English for MMAP Students: BAB 7



1. Kompetensi
            Setelah mempelajari dan mengerjakan latihan-latihan dalam BAB VII ini diharapkan mahasiswa telah memiliki kompetensi sebagai berikut:
a) pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk membagi informasi dalam sebuah paragraf berdasarkan subtopik;
b) pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk membagi informasi dalam sebuah paragraf berdasarkan tingkat keumumannya (level of generality);
c) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam membagi informasi berdasarkan waktu, tempat, dan hubungan sebab-akibat; dan
d) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menentukan ‘outline’ sebuah paragraf.

2. Pengantar
            Pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang komponen-komponen serta pola-pola paragraf sangat diperlukan oleh seorang mahasiswa yang sedang berusaha meningkatkan klancaran (fluency) dan pemahaman (comprehension) mereka dalam membaca teks berbahasa Inggris. Pengetahuan tentang ciri-ciri paragraf teks berbahasa Inggris terutama teks akademik atau ilmiah akan membantu mereka dalam proses membaca karena dengan pengetahuan tersebut mereka akan membentuk prediksi-prediksi sebelum membaca teks tersebut.

3. Membagi Informasi Berdasarkan Subtopik
            Sebuah paragraf yang baik biasanya mempunyai hanya satu topik, tapi kadang-kadang sebuah topik mempunyai dua atau lebih subtopik. Perhatikan cont           
Oh berikut ini.

         The people in the United States speak the same language as the people in Great Britain. However, American English is different from British English in many ways. First, the sounds of American English are different from the sound of British English. For example, most Americans pronounce the ‘r’ in the word ‘car’ but most Britons do not. Most Americans pronounce the ‘dictionary’ like this /dik-shun-ar-y/, but the British pronounce it like this /dik-shun-ry/. Some spellings are also different. People in Britain write ‘colour’ and ‘centre’, but people in the United States write ‘color’ and ‘center’. Finally some words are different. People in the United States use ‘gasoline’ in their cars, but people in Britain use ‘petrol’. Gasoline and petrol are the same thing, but the Americans and the British use diferent words for it.

Dalam contoh di atas penulis mengembangkan topik paragraf dengan menggunakan tiga subtopik: sounds, spellings and words. Apabila digambarkan paragraf di atas dengan sebuah diagram maka dia akan menjadi seperti berikut ini.

Differences between American and British English


American English pronounce the ‘r’ in car.
British English: colour and centre
American English: gasoline
British English do not pronounce the ‘r’ in car.
American English: color and center
British English: petrol

Directions : Look at Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 in Exercise 1-16. Find the subtopics of each paragraph and write them in the spaces.

TOPIC      : a. method for remembering new words
Subtopics  : 1.                                                                  

TOPIC      : uses for computer chips
Subtopics  : 1.                                                      

Now look at Paragraph 3. The topic of Paragraph 3 is "electric cars," and the paragraph tells us four things that electric cars do not do. Find the four things that electric cars do not do and write them in the spaces.

TOPIC      : electric cars
Subtopics  : 1. They do not use                                        
                    2. They do not make                                                
                    3. They are not                                             
                    4. They cannot                                  ______

4. Membagi Informasi Berdasarkan Tingkat Keumumannya
            Biasanya sebuah paragraf diawali dengan informasi yang umum dan kemudian dikembangkan dengan memberikan informasi-informasi yang lebih khusus. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

      There are basically two types of families: nuclear family and extended family. The nuclear family usually consists of two parents (mother and father) and their children. The mother and father from the nucleus, or center , of the nuclear family. The children stay in the nuclear family until they marry. Then they form new nuclear family.

Kalau paragraf dalam contoh di atas kita uraikan berdasarkan tingkat keumumam informasi yang terdapat di dalamnya, maka kita dapat membuat diagram seperti berikut ini.

Level 1
There are basically two types of families: nuclear family and extended family

Level 2
The nuclear family usually consists of two parents (mother and father) and their children

Level 3
The mother and father from he nucleus, or center, of the nuclear family

The children stay in the nuclear family until they marry

Then they form new nuclear family

Seperti terlihat dalam diagram di atas, paragraf dapat dibagi ke dalam tidak bagian berdasarkan tingkat keumuman informasi di dalamnya. Pada level 1 terdapat informasi yang umum dan dilanjutkan dengan informasi yang semakin khusus pada tingkat-tingkat berikutnya.

Directions: Complete the diagrams to show how the writer organized the information in each paragraph.

Libraries can be divided into two major groups: public libraries and ac­ademic libraries. Public libraries include state, county, and city libraries. A public library provides library services for all of the people in the community; academic library, on the other hand, is generally a university library. It provides services for students, professors, and other members of the academic. Because they are for all of the people, public libraries are a good source of books and magazines for entertainment. Most of the books and magazines in academic library, however, are for research.

General : pulbic and academic libraries
Specific 1: public libraries > state, city, etc. libraries
Specific 2 : academic library > university libraries
Additional info 1: collection about public libraries
Additional info 2 : collection about academic libraries

Different language learners have different purposes for learning a new language. Some people learn a second language in order to learn about the culture of the people who speak that language. They may be interested in the history and the customs of these people, for example, or they may want to study the literature of the language. Other language learners want to travel to other countries. They need to know the languages of those countries so that they can talk to people and understand what they say. They want to make friends with the people they meet. Many people learn languages for profess­ional reasons. These people want to learn more about their fields by studying in the countries or reading books and journals in different languages. They often need to use other languages in their work.

GI : different purposes of learning a new language
SI 1: to learn the culture of the people
SI 2: to travel to the country
SI 3: for professional reason

To explain what I mean by a "typical American family," I will use my host family as an example. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been married for twenty years. They have two children: a boy and a girl. Mr. Smith is an engineer with a well-known computer company. He enjoys his Job and has been very suc­cessful at it. Mrs. Smith works part-time as a teacher and helps organize ac­tivities for the International Student Association in her spare time. Their son Dan is nineteen and a law student at a university in a different part of the country. He visits his family during Christmas and Easter vacations and works in a factory during the summer. Sarah, their daughter, is seventeen and will finish high school this year. She lives with her parents now but plans to move to an apartment when she graduates from high school. She wants to become an artist.

5. Membagi Informasi Berdasarkan Waktu, Tempat dan Hubungan  Sebab-Akibat
            Berbagai cara dipakai oleh penulis untuk mengorganisir informasi di dalam sebuah paragraf. Kadangkala informasi dalam sebuah paragraf disusun berdasarkan urutan waktu kejadian, berdasarkan tempat, atau berdasarkan urutan sebab-akibat. Perhatikanlah contoh berikut ini.

         Rent control began fairly recently in the United States. Few American cities had rent control before World War II. During World War II, the U.S. government imposed rent control on all the cities in the U.S. After World War II, only one city –New York- continued rent control. At the beginning of the 1980s nearly one-fifth of the people in the US lived in cities with rent control.

Sebagai dapat dilihat dalam contoh di atas informasi dalam paragraf disusun berdasarkan urutan waktu kejadian. Apabila paragraf di atas kita bagi berdasarkan informasi urutan waktu kita akan mendapatkan diagram seperti di bawah ini.


Information about rent control
Before World War II
Few cities had rent control
During World War II
All cities had rent control
After World War II
Only New York continued rent control
Beginning of 1980s
Nearly one-fifth of the people in the US lived in cities with rent control

            Sebagian paragraf disusun berdasarkan informasi tentang tempat (place) seperti kota, daerah, negara, lokasi berdasarkan letak geografis dan lain lain sebagainya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

         The cost of renting an apartment varies from one American city to another. In most cities, the rent for one-bedroom apartment is more than $250 per month. In some smaller cities such as Louisville, Kentuky or Jacksonville, Florida, the rent is less, but in larger cities the rent is more. For example, if you live in Los Angeles, you must pay $400 or more to rent a one-bedroom apartment, and the same apartment rents for $625 and up in Chicago. The most expensive rents in the U.S. are in New York, where you must pay at least $700 a month to rent a one-bedroom apartment in most parts of the city.

Informasi di dalam paragraf contoh di atas disusun berdasarkan susunan tempat dan harga sewa apartemen mulai dari yang murah sampai ke yang mahal. Kalau kita gambarkan pola pengembangan paragraf di atas akan kita dapatkan diagram sebagai berikut.


Rent for One-bedroom Apartment
Most American cities
> $ 250
Smaller cities
e.g. Louisville
< $ 250
Larger cities
e.g. Los Angeles
       New York
> $ 250
> $ 400
> $ 625
> $ 700

            Ada juga paragraf yang disusun berdasarkan informasi sebab-akibat (cause and result). Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

         The price of shoes are related to the number of shoes the producers make. For example, the price of shoes was high last month, so the shoe producers made more shoes. However, the consumers did not buy more shoes because of the high price. As a result, the shoe producers reduced the price of the shoes so that the consumers could buy more shoes. At the same time, the shoe producers reduced their production of shoes because the prices went down.

Sebagaimana dapat dilihat dalam contoh di atas informasi dalam paragraf disusun berdasarkan hubungan sebab akibat dengan mengunakan kata-kata penghubung khusus yang sesuai seperti ‘because’, ‘so’ dan ‘as a result’. Kalau paragraf di atas kita gambarkan dalam sebuah diagram kita akan dapatkan diagram seperti di bawah ini.


Price of shoes (up)
Shoe production (up)
High price
Consumer did not buy more
Consumer did not buy more
Price of shoes (down)
Price of shoes (down)
Consumer could buy more
Price of shoes (down)
Shoe production (down)

Directions: Here are some more paragraphs with notes, but the notes are not complete. Read the paragraphs and complete the notes.

1.    A number of utopian communities sprang up in the United States dur­ing the last century. In 1814, George Rapp started a utopian community in harmony, Indiana. In 1824, Rapp sold the community to Robert Owen, who started a new utopian community there. He named the new community "New Harmony." New Harmony lasted only two years. In 1825, Francis Wright started the community of Nashoba near Memphis, Tennessee. The Nashoba community ended in 1830. Brook Farm, a utopian farming community, lasted from 1841 to 1847. Modern Times, an anarchist community near New York City was started by Josiah Warren in 1851. It ended in 1857.
2.    The space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union has had its ups and downs." From 1957 to 1969, the Soviet Union was "first in space." The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first space satellite, on October 4, 1957, and Yuri Gagarin, the Russian cosmonaut, became the first person to orbit the earth on April 12, 1961. The United States became "first in space" in 1969, when Apollo 11 landed on the moon with two American astronauts on July 20. The United States launched the first space station, Skylab, in 19".3. The Soviet Union and the United States worked together in space on July 17, 1975, when two Russian cosmonauts and two American astronauts had the first international meeting in space. After the meeting, the Soviet Union worked mostly on space stations such as Salyut 6 and Salyut 7, and the United States worked mostly on space shuttles such as Columbia and Challenger.

3.    There are more old people in the world today because of an increase in medical services in the world. Today, more people can get medical services from doctors and nurses in hospitals and clinics. As a result, fewer people get fatal diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, cholera, and typhoid. This de­crease in fatal diseases causes a decrease in the number of people who die from these diseases. Because of this decrease in the number of deaths, people can live longer today. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of old people living in the world today.

4.    We can divide the world into two parts: the "north" (Europe, North America, Japan, etc.) and the "south" (Asia, Africa, Latin America, etc.). Most of the people in the world live in the south, but the people in the north have most of the money and services. According to the Overseas Development Council, there are 3.4 billion people in the south and only 1.1 billion people in the north People in the north have an average income of $6,468 per year, but the income of people in the south is $597 per year. The countries of the north pay $286 per person for education every year, and 99 percent of the people in the north can read and write. The countries of the south pay $18 per person for education every year, and only 52 percent of the people can read and write. The countries of the north pay $199 per person for medical services, and most of the people in the north live to be 72 years old. The countries of the south pay $6.50 per person for medical services, and most of the people live to be only 56 years old. The leaders of the north and south must work together to share the money and services of the world more equally.

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